
What is remarketing?

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, keeps your brand visible to your online audience after they leave your website. Usually 2% of customers convert on the first visit to an online store. Retargeting can brings back the other 98% by keeping track of who visit your site and following them around the web while displaying your retargeting ads as they visit other sites.


How does it work?

We will place a JavaScript tag in the footer of your website. This code will tag all visitors to your site by placing anonymous retargeting "cookies" in their browser. By tapping into large display networks and using Retargeting Aggregators such as Google, Interclick, Adroll, etc… iWebclick will display retargeting ads to your potential customers as they visit other sites. Since iWebclick works with some of the largest ad exchanges, we can retarget your customers almost anywhere they go online.


Benefits of retargeting


Retargeting generates results by bringing "window shoppers" back to your website when they're ready to purchase. In addition, the actual benefits of retargeting are high click-through rates and increased conversion ratio, due to people returning to your sites, after having been exposed to your products and services. Retargeting also brings an intrinsic benefit of brand exposure. Each time your customer sees your retargeting ad, your brand achieves power and more recognition.